Gallstones can be caused from a few different mechanisms

Gallstones are a common condition affecting the gallbladder, a small pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the abdomen just under the liver. The medical term for having gallstones is cholelithiasis. The function of the gallbladder is to store digestive fluid called bile, which is released into the small intestine to aid in digestion.
Gallstones can range in size from a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball and come in two types: cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Cholesterol stones, the most common type, are yellow in color and made up of undissolved cholesterol with other components. Pigment stones, on the other hand, are dark brown or black and are caused by excessive bilirubin in the bile.
One of the causes is bile containing too much cholesterol. Normally Bile has chemicals that are able to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by the liver. In the event that
liver is excreting more cholesterol then the bile can dissolve. Excess cholesterol can lead to crystals and eventually stones. Low-fat diet are recommended for those with gallstone from this issue.

Second cause is bile containing too much bilirubin. Bilirubin is a chemical that is made by the body when red blood cells are broken down. Certain conditions can cause increased bilirubin like liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections, and certain blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia. Increase bilirubin leads to the formation of pigment stones.
Finally, gallstones can also form if the gallbladder does not empty properly, leading to concentrated bile and stone formation.
If you suspect pain due to gallstones, it is important to consult with your physician. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent serious complications and maintain a healthy digestive system. Don't let gallstones take control of your life, take control of your health!